Literacy and Engagement with Historical Records


Tutorial #3: Generate an MP3 File From an Accessible Word Document Using Central Access Reader


In this tutorial you will convert and save all, or portions, of the DOCX file you created as an MP3 file.

  1. Open Central Access Reader.

  2. Press Ctrl-M to save the complete DOCX file as an MP3 file.

  3. Play the MP3 file with any MP3 player.


  1. Edit-Copy the title of any article in the newsletter.

  2. Highlight the entire article, including the title.

  3. Press Ctrl-Shift-M.

  4. Paste the title of the article you copied into the file name text edit box that opens.

  5. Click on Save.

  6. You have now saved the article into MP3 format.

  7. Play the MP3 file with any MP3 player.

  8. Here's an example of the "Save All" MP3 file: accessible

  9. Here are examples of individuals articles saved, individually, as an MP3 file:

  1. Go to Tutorial #4